Text-to-Speech based on Google Cloud

Would you rather listen to the text? Press play and have the text on this page read aloud by the Text-to-Speech Google Cloud speech synthesis. 

Exploit the full potential of audio and engage with your audience anywhere.

Is your content always available to your users? No-matter what they are doing?

Often the opportunity for catching up on the daily news feed is while doing other things such as exercising, commuting to or from work, doing household chores or gardening. Why not make your epaper content available as audio?

With Text-to-Speech based on Google Cloud you can have your articles read aloud by the high-quality, WaveNet, humanlike speech synthesis service from Google.

Listen to Text-to-Speech  in your preferred language

Engage with your users in new settings, broaden the attention span and give your users the possibility to consume your epaper while for instance driving, walking the dog or cleaning.  

Expand your reach and save the expenses of human narration – Text-to-Speech based on Google Cloud is the plug and play audio solution for your epaper. Spoken content without the hassle.

Want to learn more?

Reach out to your Visiolink Key Account Manager today - or watch our demo video right here.





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